Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Smoking at Staircase

You will never imagine how smoking can cause harm to you and others.

In recent years, the number of students smoking has been increasing rapidly. No doubt that the amount of students smoking in school is high. Republic Polytechnic (RP) administration sends newsletter to all students stating where are the places students are not allowed to smoke via email regularly. With the constant effort in reminding students, most of the students is aware where are they supposed to smoke. However, it is seen that the number of students who smokes along the staircases of the pod building is increasing. Why is this the case?

When interviewed, some of the smokers said that they are too lazy to go out of school to smoke since the smoking zone is considered outside of the school compound. Most of them also said that it is very troublesome as the buildings that they are in is very far
from the smoking areas.

With all these reasons, most of the students resulted in smoking at the staircase since it is the easiest and the most convenient.

Besides breaching the school rules, smoking at the staircase causes a lot of other problems such as cigarettes butts being littered along the staircases, causing health problems not only to the smokers but also to the non-smokers  who will suffer from it too as they experienced second and third hand smoke.

Research has shown that second hand smokers are more prone to cancer as compared to smokers. Statistics has shown that in US alone, 34 thousand non smoker died of lung cancer and 42 thousand non smoker died due to heart diseases, annually.  

Many wonder what is Third hand smoking. So what exactly is third hand smoking? Third hand smoking refers to the residual nicotine and other chemicals left on a variety of indoor surfaces by tobacco smoke. Most common diseases caused by third hand smoking is - inflammation-induced diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma.

In order to improve this situation, smokers should smoke at designated location so that they can minimize the spread of second hand smoke.  In addition, to prevent third hand smoking, smokers SHOULD throw away their cigarettes bud away. However, that does not mean that non - smoker do not have a role to play. Non - smoker can play their part by telling their smoking friends to smoke in designated location and not smoke in areas such as RP.

Plan to stop smoking and need some advises? Do head on our following post that shares advice and steps on how to stop smoking.

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